Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lots of progress

Latest progress:

Completed the top and bottom beams.
I bolted together the 2x4's and 2x6's with some fairly beefy hardware.  5.5" x 1/4" lag bolts (right-most in photo) and 4" Ledger Lock bolts (2nd from right).  For the lag bolts I drilled once with a ~1" Flat bottom forstner bit (middle) to make room for the head of the bolt, then a 1/4" bit (2nd from left) an inch in, and finally a small bit (left) in 3" or so.  For the Ledger Lock bolts I just used the forstner.  Here's my quiver of bits and bolts.

Here's one beam completed.  I used 4 lag bolts and 3 of the Ledger Locks per side per beam.  They're pretty stout to say the least.

I also added a base the the bottom beam.  It's made of a 2' 2x6 perpendicular to the beam, with 2x4" legs on either end running parallel to the beam.  It's made so that I can slip the bags over the beams without interference.  It turned out fairly stable.

I completed my cat-track.  I ripped 8" pieces of 2x4' into 1" strips with 15 degree bevel.  I got 5 strips per 2x4. The two end strips were only beveled on one side, but that's not an issue.  I flipped it over after each cut so that I could get the strips in the middle beveled on each side (like / \).  Having bevel like this allowed it to curve to the radius of the tip/tail without gaps.

I then drilled 2 holes in each strip and ran rope through them all.  The end result is a cheap (free), easy, and strong cat-track that I hope will do the job for me.  Rope isn't ideal for the task since it doesn't allow the pieces to slide around as easily as some wire might have, but it will work.

Finally I made an adjustable top mold.  I used a bunch of 2' 2x4 pieces.  The shape is quite rough.  We'll see if it's necessary to make it match closer to the bottom mold, I'm thinking it might not be necessary.  As it is it's completely flat until the tip pieces.  No adjustments were made for the camber.  We'll see how it looks when the hose comes in.

I ordered 10' of 6" discharge hose from here.  It's on it's way.  That adds $36 to my tab.  I think my shipping was free.


  1. Awesome! I'm starting to see skis!

  2. What kind of skis will these be? Also, firehose???

  3. They'll be some fairly average twintip skis. 170-something length. 95-100mm at the waist.

    The hose will provide the pressure. I'll hold everything together with straps then inflate the hose to ~40psi.
